Investigative Radiology prepare un numéro spécial sur la reconstruction d’images en IRM et Scanner à partir de données incomplètes (Data Sparsity).
Investigative Radiology announces a special issue on ‘Advances for Clinical Imaging involving Data Sparsity in MRI and CT’ scheduled for publication in early 2016.
The focus of this special issue will be on substantial advances in the field of data sparsity and related advances in imaging techniques for magnetic resonance and computed tomography in terms of higher temporal and spatial resolution, acquisition speed and radiation dose reduction. With regard to clinical papers involving this topic, all organ and disease areas will be considered. Accepted manuscripts can involve either basic or clinical research and should lead to advancing our understanding of data sparsity in MR and CT imaging and promoting its potential clinical application by significant milestones of innovation.
The deadline for submission is June 14, 2015.
Papers submitted after this deadline will not be considered, and the deadline will not be extended for any circumstances. Manuscripts will be accepted for consideration for the issue beginning May 1, 2015, and not earlier. All papers will be subject to peer review by experts in the field and must comply with the Journal’s Instructions for Authors. We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Best regards, Stefan O. Schoenberg, MD, Editor,
Special Issue Co-Editors:
Charles A. Mistretta, Ph.D.
Nicole Seiberlich, Ph.D.
Daniel K. Sodickson, MD, PhD
Sonja Sudarski, M.D.